In the beginning, man was a Nomad, free as the air we breathing. One day, the man settle, and he became more and more sad. We created Nomade Reggae Festival in order to man rediscovering his joy of life.

“Nomade Reggae Festival » is a project of the Mélodies du Monde association, whose goal is to promote cultural diversity, cultural exchanges, well live together, while supporting humanitarian projects. Also, it valorize the tourist attraction of the Auvergne Rhône – Alpes area and Val des Usses and Rhône countries.

AN INVOLVED FESTIVAL:  TO FRANGY TILL SANANKOROBA AT MALI: The Nomade Reggae Festival build a Medico-Social & Literacy Center at Mali..

Here are the progress of the Nomade Reggae Festival & Mélodies du Monde socio-medical and literacy center in Mali (rural town of Sanankoroba)– Nov 2018

After the success of the 4th edition, the objective of this fifth edition of the Nomade Reggae Festival, other than its esthetic and cultural dimension, is to value the tourist growth of the region of the municipalities of the Valley of Usses and the Rhône, to promote the cultural diversity, to favor the cultural exchanges, the well living together, while supporting humanitarian projects.
The profits of the festival are devoted to the construction of a SOCIO – MEDICAL & LITERACY CENTER, in the rural district of Sanankoroba in Mali. Previous editions allowed the acquisition of a land of 1500 square meters, the realization of a drilling team of a hydraulic pump that runs on solar energy. The beginning of the construction of the center start in January 2018. The center will also provide guidance and support for women who are victims of moral and physical violence (such as female circumcision,  sham marriages or domestic violence). It will also be a place of literacy; two rooms will be dedicated to school support for the residents of the rural municipality of Sanankoraba (Borough-town of Mali).
Because this region is rich by its history, ski resorts, mountainous landscapes and gastronomy, the Nomade Reggae Festival is intended to be a unifying event where all generations are confused. People from the region and beyond are likely to come together, to the sunny experience with rhythms of reggae and more generally African music. Mélodies du Monde wishes, of course, to bring the local, national and international press attention to this type of cultural and humanitarian event.
Read more : Socio – Medical Center Mélodies du Monde

To learn more : Socio – Medical Center Mélodies du Monde

The benefits of the Nomade Reggae Festival enable the construction of a SOCIO – MEDICAL
ENJOY OUR PROMO OFFER: (For the first top 500…)


Special offer ticket 2 days + 3rd for free  = 55 euros (LIMITED OFFER)

Special offer ticket 1 day = 30 euros ht

Instead of
Ticket 2 days + 3rd for free = 60 euros ht

1 day = 35 euros ht

▶️Buy your tickets on the event website. Print your ticket on your own or download on your cell phone:
And on usual outlet: Carrefour, Géant, Marché U, Intermarché, AUCHAN, CORA, CULTURA, E.LECLERC, LE PROGRES, Ticketnet, Digitick, Fna


   Annals 2018 



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