Project – Socio-Medical Center

A COMMITTED FESTIVAL: FROM FRANGY TO SANANKOROBA IN MALI: the Nomade Reggae Festival builds a Socio-Medical and Literacy Center in Mali:

Here we are the progress of the construction site of the Socio-Medical and Literacy Nomade Reggae Festival & Melodies du Monde in Mali (rural district of Sanankoroba) – on  December 2019

Here we are the progress of the construction site of the Socio-Medical and Literacy Nomade Reggae Festival & Melodies du Monde in Mali (rural district of Sanankoroba) on Nov 2018

Here we are the foundations of The Socio-Medical Center Nomade Reggae Festival Mélodies du Monde – Jan 2018

Ceremony of the installation of the First Stone of the Socio-Medical Center and Literacy NOMADE REGGAE FESTIVAL – MDM

« Nomade Reggae Festival » is a project of the « Mélodies du Monde » association whose goal is to promote cultural diversity in your region, cultural exchanges, live in together, while supporting the values of international solidarity.
Part of the festival’s benefits are allocated to the construction of a SOCIO-MEDICAL AND LITERACY CENTER in the rural town of Sanankoroba in Mali… (videos in the beginning of the project above)

Environment for intervention

Since 2012, Mali has been affected by an unprecedented political, security and food crisis. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), 42% of the Malian population still does not have access to a health structure within 3 miles. No medical structure meets health standards; and 18% of them are not, or partially, functional.

Women and children are the first to be affected by various pathologies, but also by domestic violence. There are currently very few structures for their reception and care.

In Mali, private health facilities are a key component of the country’s economy, and do not guarantee access to care for the most disadvantaged. The few public hospitals are mainly located in the major urban areas.

The Mélodies du Monde team has therefore initiated this project for the creation of a medical and socio-cultural center. It will be located in the municipality of Sanankoraba, of about 40,000 inhabitants, and located 28 miles south of Bamako, capital of Mali.

The Mélodies du Monde Center has several objectives: to facilitate access to some medical care, to promote culture and education by offering literacy courses; and finally, create a space for dialogue for people who are victims of violence. Several principles govern this project: equal access, free access and confidentiality.

Description of the actions and missions of the center

Health and Care

Gynaecological-Maternity-Nursery nursing orientation

In Mali, the field of gynecology remains poorly developed. According to a 2014 Croix Rouge report, only 14% of births would be assisted by specialized and qualified personnel, from which the utmost urgency to develop this sector.

°Nursery: 2 consultation rooms
°Gynaecology: 2 consultation rooms
°Maternity: 2 working rooms
°1 surgery room (323sq ft)
°Ophthalmology orientation: 1 consultation room

°Screening and Prevention orientation: 1 consultation room

The prevention and treatment of STD remains a major challenge for the development of the African continent. HIV is still very much present in Mali. It is therefore necessary to inform and raise awareness of the importance of screening.The various tests will be free within the Sanankoroba center.

°Diabetology and nutritional: 1 consultation room

°Rest Area: Women: 5 cabins (4 single / 1 double) Men: 3 cabins (2 single / 1 double)
Education, culture and development

°Library: 323sq ft + training rooms

°School: 4 classrooms of 431sq ft dedicated to literacy classes – 30 students each class

°Restaurant: 50 to 60 meals capacity

Click here to see: Socio-medical center Mélodies du Monde map

Support us in a different way: Participate in the Nomade Reggae Festival is to support our project, otherwise, if you want because you can’t come, to make a donation


Geographical situation:

Sanankoroba, a Malian village

Sanankoroba: this name evokes the story of a brave hunter Bambara, N’Tji Traoré. From his village of Nioko to a better world discovery, he chose, after long days of walking, to pull camp at the foot of a large tree of the African savannah, the «Sanan», from which the name «Sanankoroba»: «at the foot of the big Sanan».

Sanankoroba: this name evokes the very distant past of this small city. Populated with brave farmers Bambaras, their always overflowing food attics, the village filled with celebrations and chants after the harvests.

Place on the Main road 7 (RN70 the municipality of Sanankoroba covers a surface of 6,619,804,906 sq ft. It is borderline at East by the municipalities of Mountougoula and Bougoula, at West by the municipality of Niagadina and the river Niger, At North by the municipality VI of the District of Bamako and in the South by the municipality of Dialakoroba. The municipality account 26 villages: Sanankoroba, Baala, Banankoro, Banco – coro, Banco – coura, Digato, Falanikungo, Kabe, Koniobla, Madina, Nianian, Niafalan, Niegue – Coura, Niegue – coro, N’ Tabakoro, Satinebougou, Sicoro, Siene, Sinsina, Songodialan, Tadiana, Tadianabougou, Tamala, Tourela, Toyan, Zougoume. The municipality of Sanankoroba have a majority of people from Bambara, where we also meet the Peulhs, the Malinkés, the bobos, the Somonos and the Moors. The population is estimated to be 37,294, the majority of whom are young and whose main problem remains the rural exodus. There is rugged terrain, range of hills are spread everywhere but remains a flat area. The climate is Sahelian sudano with a rainy season from June to October, the annual rainfall varies between 31 and 39 po. The soils are mostly sand – clay and clay, the vegetation is less dense. The town of Sanankoroba is a large plains along the Niger River, extending the plateau lateritic to the east and south. The municipality has water resources with the Niger River, resources in cultivation land (dry crops, irrigated crops, market crops)

Sanankoroba is a village which takes matters in hand and is changing, year after year, thanks to its human, dynamic and innovative twinning.

Nous soutenir autrement: Participez au Nomade Reggae Festival c’est soutenir notre projet, sinon, si vous le souhaitez, pour pouvez faire une donation


Situation géographique :

sanankoroba, un village malien

Sanankoroba : ce nom évoque l’histoire d’un téméraire chasseur Bambara, N’Tji Traoré. Parti de son village Nioko à la découverte d’un monde meilleur, il choisit, après de longues journées de marche, de bivouaquer au pied d’un grand arbre de la savane africaine, le « Sanan ». D’où le nom « Sanankoroba » : « au pied du grand Sanan ».

Sanankoroba : ce nom évoque le passé très lointain de cette petite cité. Peuplé de vaillants agriculteurs Bambaras, leurs greniers alimentaires toujours débordants, le village se remplissait de fêtes et de chants après les récoltes.

Situe sur la Route Nationale 7 (RN70 la commune de Sanankoroba couvre une superficie de 615, 51 km2. Elle est limite a l’Est par les communes de Mountougoula et de Bougoula, al’Ouest par la commune de Niagadina et le fleuve Niger, au Nord par la commune VI du District de Bamako et au Sud par la commune de Dialakoroba. La commune compte 26 villages : Sanankoroba, Baala, Banankoro, Banco ‐ coro, Banco ‐ coura, Digato, Falanikungo, Kabe, Koniobla, Madina, Nianian, Niafalan, Niegue ‐ coura, Niegue ‐ coro, N’Tabakoro, Satinebougou, Sicoro, Siene, Sinsina, Songodialan, Tadiana, Tadianabougou, Tamala, Tourela, Toyan, Zougoume. La commune de Sanankoroba est peuple majoritairement de Bambara, on y rencontreégalement les Peulhs, les Malinkés, les Bobos, les Somonos et les Maures. La population est estimée à 37 294 habitants, est majoritairement jeune dont le principal problème reste l’exode rural. Le relief est accidente, des chaines de collines sont dissémines un peu partout mais reste cependant une zone plate. Le climat est de type soudano sahélien avec une saison pluvieuse allant de juin a octobre, la pluviométrie annuelle varie entre 800 et 1000 mm. Les sols sont a majorité sablo – argileux et argileux, la végétation est moins dense. La commune de Sanankoroba est constitue de vastes plaines en bordure du fleuve Niger, au prolongement des plateaux latéritiques a l’Est et au Sud. La commune dispose de ressources en eau avec le fleuve Niger, des ressources en terres de culture (cultures sches, cultures irriguees, cultures maraichers)

Sanankoroba, c’est ce village qui se prend en main et se transforme, d’année en année, à la faveur de son jumelage vivant, dynamique et novateur.

Support us in a different way: Participate in the Nomade Reggae Festival is to support our project, otherwise, if you want because you can’t come, to make a donation.

Come for good vibes at the Reggae Festival Event in Haute-Savoie, The July 31 to August 2, 2020

in Frangy (74270) – Free Campsite


ENJOYING OUR PROMO OFFER: (For the first top 500…)


Special offer ticket 2 days + 3rd for free  = 55 euros (LIMITED OFFER)




Thanks to your donations you can contribute to the success of this project. To support us, you can make your donations:

-Either by paycheck or postal money payable to: 
Mélodies du Monde, 43 rue du Général de Gaulle – 95220 Herblay FRANCE

or by PAYPAL:

By Bank Transfer:
IBAN: FR76 1751 5006 0008 0022 0182 564
BIC C E P A F R P P 7 5 1
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